General Services

  • The tariff classification of goods;
  • Legislation of transport documents;
  • Entry and follow-up of the processing of documents in accordance with the respective legislation;
  • Customs Clearance;
  • Assistance in checking the goods at the customs conference;
  • Assistance in the taking of samples for customs technical examinations;
  • Reception of goods or merchandise cleared;
  • Request for customs inspection and assistance to this;
  • Subscription of documents that serve as a basis for customs clearance;
  • Science and receipt of summons, notification, infringement records, decisions of other acts and procedural terms related to the tax procedure;
  • Collection of taxes, fees and emoluments and other necessary expenses and ΜΈ or required in the operations of IMPORTATION, EXPORTATION;
  • Car Documentation;
  • Car Legislation;
  • Dispatch and registration at the National Institute of Traffic and at the Registry of Automobiles